Boba Maps of NYC

Best NYC Neighborhoods for Boba Lovers?

### Imports for Google Colab Session

# # imports for Google Colab Sessions
# !apt install gdal-bin python-gdal python3-gdal 
# # Install rtree - Geopandas requirment
# !apt install python3-rtree 
# # Install Geopandas
# !pip install git+git://
# # Install descartes - Geopandas requirment
# !pip install descartes 
import os
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
C:\Users\datal\anaconda3\envs\boba-nyc\lib\site-packages\pyproj\ UserWarning: pyproj unable to set database path.
url = ''
df = pd.read_csv(url)
id alias name image_url is_closed url review_count categories rating coordinates transactions price location phone display_phone distance latitude longitude geometry
0 Q3fmTHT7zilDWtfzLK9lMA truedan-new-york-3 Truedan False 99 [{'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'}] 4.5 {'latitude': 40.7191742, 'longitude': -73.9962... ['pickup', 'delivery'] $$ {'address1': '208 Grand St', 'address2': None,... 1.646559e+10 (646) 559-2886 1535.241614 40.719174 -73.996220 POINT (-73.9962197 40.7191742)
1 7-bx74TooPuZKZDNW4WFcQ chun-yang-tea-new-york Chun Yang Tea False 91 [{'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'}] 4.5 {'latitude': 40.71617, 'longitude': -73.9971} ['pickup', 'delivery'] $$ {'address1': '26B Elizabeth St', 'address2': '... 1.212420e+10 (212) 420-0123 1212.877370 40.716170 -73.997100 POINT (-73.9971 40.71617)
2 3aypSFXLfkAL4dhHVFobKg lazy-sundaes-new-york-6 Lazy Sundaes False 32 [{'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'}... 4.5 {'latitude': 40.720597, 'longitude': -73.984539} ['pickup', 'delivery'] $$ {'address1': '23 Clinton St', 'address2': None... NaN NaN 1877.016204 40.720597 -73.984539 POINT (-73.984539 40.720597)
3 bVJQEeRNi34-3XN_F1AZEg xing-fu-tang-new-york Xing Fu Tang False 91 [{'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'}] 4.5 {'latitude': 40.7288, 'longitude': -73.98775} ['pickup', 'delivery'] NaN {'address1': '133 2nd Ave', 'address2': '', 'a... NaN NaN 2656.450427 40.728800 -73.987750 POINT (-73.98775000000001 40.7288)
4 zupVwJAFYkHDwrsQd2ktXA fiftylan-union-square-new-york-3 FIFTYLAN Union Square False 60 [{'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'}] 4.0 {'latitude': 40.735516, 'longitude': -73.989191} ['pickup', 'delivery'] NaN {'address1': '32 Union Square E', 'address2': ... 1.646767e+10 (646) 767-0085 3367.900728 40.735516 -73.989191 POINT (-73.98919100000001 40.735516)
review_count rating phone distance latitude longitude
count 414.000000 414.000000 3.620000e+02 414.000000 414.000000 414.000000
mean 89.722222 3.985507 1.613962e+10 8980.359386 40.716170 -73.941997
std 116.765312 0.608481 2.375761e+09 5684.076763 0.058255 0.084129
min 1.000000 1.000000 1.201432e+10 953.875131 40.537609 -74.166080
25% 16.250000 3.500000 1.347732e+10 3954.891025 40.689505 -73.994920
50% 49.000000 4.000000 1.718286e+10 8254.243639 40.731610 -73.975096
75% 109.000000 4.500000 1.718886e+10 13019.588280 40.757300 -73.880179
max 740.000000 5.000000 1.934235e+10 25132.157979 40.886959 -73.702410
count unique top freq
id 414 414 Q3fmTHT7zilDWtfzLK9lMA 1
alias 414 414 truedan-new-york-3 1
name 414 259 Kung Fu Tea 26
image_url 409 409 1
url 414 414 1
categories 414 177 [{'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'}] 115
coordinates 414 409 {'latitude': 40.71697, 'longitude': -73.99471} 2
transactions 414 5 ['pickup', 'delivery'] 229
price 258 3 $ 166
location 414 411 {'address1': '90-15 Queens Blvd', 'address2': ... 2
display_phone 362 357 (718) 395-8297 2
geometry 414 409 POINT (-73.99471 40.71697) 2

Map Boba Data for NYC Neighborhoods

# read neighborhood data as geodataframe
url = ''
neighborhoods = gpd.read_file(url)
boro_code boro_name county_fip ntacode ntaname shape_area shape_leng geometry
0 4.0 Queens 081 QN51 Murray Hill 5.248828e+07 33266.904856 POLYGON ((-73.80379 40.77561, -73.80099 40.775...
1 4.0 Queens 081 QN27 East Elmhurst 1.972685e+07 19816.711894 POLYGON ((-73.86110 40.76366, -73.85993 40.762...
2 4.0 Queens 081 QN41 Fresh Meadows-Utopia 2.777485e+07 22106.431272 POLYGON ((-73.77758 40.73019, -73.77849 40.729...
3 1.0 Manhattan 061 MN17 Midtown-Midtown South 3.019153e+07 27032.700375 POLYGON ((-73.97301 40.76428, -73.97141 40.763...
4 2.0 Bronx 005 BX09 Soundview-Castle Hill-Clason Point-Harding Park 5.198380e+07 67340.977626 MULTIPOLYGON (((-73.88064 40.81852, -73.88098 ...
# re-project neighborhood data
neighborhoods = neighborhoods.to_crs('EPSG:4326')

# open the boba dataframe as geo data frame using the lat-long info in the data
gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(df,, geometry=gpd.points_from_xy(df.longitude, df.latitude))

CRSError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
~\AppData\Local\Temp\ipykernel_26748\ in <module>
      1 # re-project neighborhood data
----> 2 neighborhoods = neighborhoods.to_crs('EPSG:4326')
      4 # open the boba dataframe as geo data frame using the lat-long info in the data
      5 gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(df,, geometry=gpd.points_from_xy(df.longitude, df.latitude))

~\anaconda3\envs\boba-nyc\lib\site-packages\geopandas\ in to_crs(self, crs, epsg, inplace)
   1273         else:
   1274             df = self.copy()
-> 1275         geom = df.geometry.to_crs(crs=crs, epsg=epsg)
   1276         df.geometry = geom
   1277 =

~\anaconda3\envs\boba-nyc\lib\site-packages\geopandas\ in to_crs(self, crs, epsg)
   1118         """
   1119         return GeoSeries(
-> 1120             self.values.to_crs(crs=crs, epsg=epsg), index=self.index,
   1121         )

~\anaconda3\envs\boba-nyc\lib\site-packages\geopandas\ in to_crs(self, crs, epsg)
    766             )
    767         if crs is not None:
--> 768             crs = CRS.from_user_input(crs)
    769         elif epsg is not None:
    770             crs = CRS.from_epsg(epsg)

~\anaconda3\envs\boba-nyc\lib\site-packages\pyproj\crs\ in from_user_input(cls, value, **kwargs)
    477         if isinstance(value, cls):
    478             return value
--> 479         return cls(value, **kwargs)
    481     def get_geod(self) -> Optional[Geod]:

~\anaconda3\envs\boba-nyc\lib\site-packages\pyproj\crs\ in __init__(self, projparams, **kwargs)
    324    = projparams
    325         else:
--> 326    = _CRS(self.srs)
    328     @property

pyproj\_crs.pyx in pyproj._crs._CRS.__init__()

CRSError: Invalid projection: EPSG:4326: (Internal Proj Error: proj_create: no database context specified)
# join the neighborhood information to each boba shop
join_df = gpd.sjoin(gdf, neighborhoods, how="left")
(414, 27)
id alias name image_url is_closed url review_count categories rating coordinates ... longitude geometry index_right boro_code boro_name county_fip ntacode ntaname shape_area shape_leng
0 Q3fmTHT7zilDWtfzLK9lMA truedan-new-york-3 Truedan False 99 [{'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'}] 4.5 {'latitude': 40.7191742, 'longitude': -73.9962... ... -73.996220 POINT (-73.99622 40.71917) 94 1.0 Manhattan 061 MN24 SoHo-TriBeCa-Civic Center-Little Italy 2.503268e+07 26855.031527
1 7-bx74TooPuZKZDNW4WFcQ chun-yang-tea-new-york Chun Yang Tea False 91 [{'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'}] 4.5 {'latitude': 40.71617, 'longitude': -73.9971} ... -73.997100 POINT (-73.99710 40.71617) 88 1.0 Manhattan 061 MN27 Chinatown 1.450188e+07 20786.254332
2 3aypSFXLfkAL4dhHVFobKg lazy-sundaes-new-york-6 Lazy Sundaes False 32 [{'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'}... 4.5 {'latitude': 40.720597, 'longitude': -73.984539} ... -73.984539 POINT (-73.98454 40.72060) 88 1.0 Manhattan 061 MN27 Chinatown 1.450188e+07 20786.254332
3 bVJQEeRNi34-3XN_F1AZEg xing-fu-tang-new-york Xing Fu Tang False 91 [{'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'}] 4.5 {'latitude': 40.7288, 'longitude': -73.98775} ... -73.987750 POINT (-73.98775 40.72880) 139 1.0 Manhattan 061 MN22 East Village 1.089424e+07 13555.232094
4 zupVwJAFYkHDwrsQd2ktXA fiftylan-union-square-new-york-3 FIFTYLAN Union Square False 60 [{'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'}] 4.0 {'latitude': 40.735516, 'longitude': -73.989191} ... -73.989191 POINT (-73.98919 40.73552) 32 1.0 Manhattan 061 MN21 Gramercy 7.526916e+06 12096.891148

5 rows × 27 columns

# get the counts of boba shops groupped by neighborhood names
nt_count = join_df.groupby(by='ntaname')['id'].count().sort_values(ascending=True)
nt_count = nt_count.reset_index()
nt_count.columns = ['ntaname', 'counts']
count 93.000000
mean 4.451613
std 6.289253
min 1.000000
25% 1.000000
50% 2.000000
75% 5.000000
max 40.000000
# get the average ratings of boba shops groupped by neighborhood names
nt_rating = join_df.groupby(by='ntaname')['rating'].mean().sort_values(ascending=True)
nt_rating = nt_rating.reset_index()
nt_rating.columns = ['ntaname','rating']
count 93.000000
mean 4.018089
std 0.472595
min 2.000000
25% 3.833333
50% 4.000000
75% 4.333333
max 5.000000
# get the average ratings of boba shops groupped by neighborhood names
nt_revcount = join_df.groupby(by='ntaname')['review_count'].sum().sort_values(ascending=True)
nt_revcount = nt_revcount.reset_index()
nt_revcount.columns = ['ntaname','review_count']
count 93.000000
mean 399.408602
std 812.981820
min 1.000000
25% 32.000000
50% 114.000000
75% 384.000000
max 5093.000000
# merge the counts, ratings, review counts by neighborhood dataframe to the neighborhood geodataframe, which contains spatial information of the neighborhoods
group_nt_gdf = neighborhoods.merge(nt_count, how="left", left_on='ntaname', right_on='ntaname')
group_nt_gdf = group_nt_gdf.merge(nt_rating, how="left", left_on='ntaname', right_on='ntaname')
group_nt_gdf = group_nt_gdf.merge(nt_revcount, how="left", left_on='ntaname', right_on='ntaname')

boro_code boro_name county_fip ntacode ntaname shape_area shape_leng geometry counts rating review_count
0 4.0 Queens 081 QN51 Murray Hill 5.248828e+07 33266.904856 POLYGON ((-73.80379 40.77561, -73.80099 40.775... 4.0 4.250000 56.0
1 4.0 Queens 081 QN27 East Elmhurst 1.972685e+07 19816.711894 POLYGON ((-73.86110 40.76366, -73.85993 40.762... NaN NaN NaN
2 4.0 Queens 081 QN41 Fresh Meadows-Utopia 2.777485e+07 22106.431272 POLYGON ((-73.77758 40.73019, -73.77849 40.729... 5.0 4.000000 338.0
3 1.0 Manhattan 061 MN17 Midtown-Midtown South 3.019153e+07 27032.700375 POLYGON ((-73.97301 40.76428, -73.97141 40.763... 15.0 3.833333 2564.0
4 2.0 Bronx 005 BX09 Soundview-Castle Hill-Clason Point-Harding Park 5.198380e+07 67340.977626 MULTIPOLYGON (((-73.88064 40.81852, -73.88098 ... NaN NaN NaN
# get the lat-long of the centroid of each neighborhood ("label_geometry") for labeling
group_nt_gdf['label_geometry'] = group_nt_gdf['geometry'].centroid
group_nt_gdf.sort_values('counts', ascending=True)
C:\Users\datal\AppData\Local\Temp\ipykernel_14736\ UserWarning: Geometry is in a geographic CRS. Results from 'centroid' are likely incorrect. Use 'GeoSeries.to_crs()' to re-project geometries to a projected CRS before this operation.

  group_nt_gdf['label_geometry'] = group_nt_gdf['geometry'].centroid
boro_code boro_name county_fip ntacode ntaname shape_area shape_leng geometry counts rating review_count label_geometry
0 4.0 Queens 081 QN51 Murray Hill 5.248828e+07 33266.904856 POLYGON ((-73.80379 40.77561, -73.80099 40.775... 4.0 4.250000 56.0 POINT (-73.80955 40.76835)
1 4.0 Queens 081 QN27 East Elmhurst 1.972685e+07 19816.711894 POLYGON ((-73.86110 40.76366, -73.85993 40.762... NaN NaN NaN POINT (-73.86840 40.76335)
2 4.0 Queens 081 QN41 Fresh Meadows-Utopia 2.777485e+07 22106.431272 POLYGON ((-73.77758 40.73019, -73.77849 40.729... 5.0 4.000000 338.0 POINT (-73.78372 40.73489)
3 1.0 Manhattan 061 MN17 Midtown-Midtown South 3.019153e+07 27032.700375 POLYGON ((-73.97301 40.76428, -73.97141 40.763... 15.0 3.833333 2564.0 POINT (-73.98350 40.75573)
4 2.0 Bronx 005 BX09 Soundview-Castle Hill-Clason Point-Harding Park 5.198380e+07 67340.977626 MULTIPOLYGON (((-73.88064 40.81852, -73.88098 ... NaN NaN NaN POINT (-73.85619 40.81805)
# create a choropleth map of boba shop counts in NYC neighborhoods

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(20, 12))
missing_kwds={"color": "lightgrey","edgecolor": "lightgrey","label": "Missing values"}
group_nt_gdf.plot(ax=ax, column='counts', cmap='OrRd', edgecolor="none", linewidth=1, legend=True, legend_kwds = {'label': "Counts of Boba Tea Shops in NYC Neighborhoods"}, missing_kwds=missing_kwds)

# lebel the top 3 neighborhoods
top_counts = group_nt_gdf.sort_values("counts", ascending=False)[0:3]
for x, y, label in zip(top_counts.label_geometry.x, top_counts.label_geometry.y, top_counts.ntaname):
    ax.annotate(label, xy=(x, y))

# create a choropleth map of average boba shop ratings in NYC neighborhoods

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(20, 12))
missing_kwds={"color": "lightgrey","edgecolor": "lightgrey","label": "Missing values"}
    ax=ax, column='rating', cmap='BuPu', edgecolor="none", linewidth=1, legend=True,
    legend_kwds = {'label': "Rating of Boba Tea Shops in NYC Neighborhoods"}, missing_kwds=missing_kwds)

# lebel the top 3 neighborhoods
top_rated = group_nt_gdf.sort_values("rating", ascending=False)[0:3]
for x, y, label in zip(top_rated.label_geometry.x, top_rated.label_geometry.y, top_rated.ntaname):
    ax.annotate(label, xy=(x, y))
# Put the maps side to side..
# create a choropleth map of boba shop ratings in NYC neighborhoods
# and proportional symbol maps of boba shop counts and boba shop review counts in NYC neighborhoods

fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(30, 25))

# draw average rating of boba tea shops
ax[0][0].title.set_text('Average Ratings of Boba Shops in NYC')
missing_kwds={"color": "lightgrey","edgecolor": "lightgrey","label": "Missing values"}
    legend_kwds = {
        'label': "Rating of Boba Tea Shops in NYC Neighborhoods"
    missing_kwds = missing_kwds

# To create proportional symbol maps,
# create a copy of the geodataframe using the centroids coordinate as the geometry
group_nt_gdf_pt = group_nt_gdf.copy()
group_nt_gdf_pt['geometry'] = group_nt_gdf_pt['label_geometry']

# draw counts of boba tea shops
ax[0][1].title.set_text('Counts of Boba Shops in NYC')
neighborhoods.plot(ax=ax[0][1], color="#ebd7b8", edgecolor="white",linewidth=0.5, alpha=1)
    ax=ax[0][1], color="#2e2622", markersize=group_nt_gdf_pt.counts * 50, alpha=0.5, edgecolor='#2e2622', linewidth=0.4, legend=True, label="Counts of Boba Tea Shops in NYC Neighborhoods")

# draw counts of reviews
ax[1][0].title.set_text('Counts of Boba Shops Reviews in NYC')
neighborhoods.plot(ax=ax[1][0], color="#b8bd88", edgecolor="whitesmoke",linewidth=0.5, alpha=1)
    ax=ax[1][0], color="#2e2622", markersize=group_nt_gdf_pt.review_count / 2, alpha=0.4, edgecolor='#2e2622', linewidth=0.4, legend=True, label="Counts of Boba Shops Reviews in NYC Neighborhoods")


ax[0][1].legend(loc='lower right', markerscale=0.7, frameon=False)
ax[1][0].legend(loc='lower right', markerscale=0.7, frameon=False)

The top-rated neighborhoods seem to have low counts of boba shops and count of reviews.

  • fewer boba shops…less competition?

  • fewer counts of review…less representative rating?

group_nt_gdf[['rating', 'counts', 'review_count']].describe()
rating counts review_count
count 93.000000 93.000000 93.000000
mean 4.018089 4.451613 399.408602
std 0.472595 6.289253 812.981820
min 2.000000 1.000000 1.000000
25% 3.833333 1.000000 32.000000
50% 4.000000 2.000000 114.000000
75% 4.333333 5.000000 384.000000
max 5.000000 40.000000 5093.000000
group_nt_gdf.sort_values("rating", ascending=False).dropna()[0:10]
boro_code boro_name county_fip ntacode ntaname shape_area shape_leng geometry counts rating review_count label_geometry
64 2.0 Bronx 005 BX06 Belmont 1.355635e+07 17104.422131 POLYGON ((-73.88309 40.86660, -73.88298 40.866... 1.0 5.0 5.0 POINT (-73.88587 40.85778)
103 4.0 Queens 081 QN23 College Point 5.055398e+07 59454.750110 MULTIPOLYGON (((-73.86788 40.78736, -73.86803 ... 1.0 5.0 2.0 POINT (-73.84281 40.78092)
145 3.0 Brooklyn 047 BK73 North Side-South Side 2.886227e+07 28155.614043 POLYGON ((-73.95814 40.72440, -73.95772 40.724... 5.0 4.6 434.0 POINT (-73.95862 40.71492)
122 5.0 Staten Island 085 SI07 Westerleigh 6.325658e+07 41655.704816 POLYGON ((-74.13047 40.63089, -74.13014 40.629... 3.0 4.5 68.0 POINT (-74.12535 40.61688)
81 4.0 Queens 081 QN71 Old Astoria 1.562046e+07 19367.656081 POLYGON ((-73.92828 40.77690, -73.92785 40.776... 1.0 4.5 124.0 POINT (-73.92833 40.77157)
63 3.0 Brooklyn 047 BK35 Stuyvesant Heights 3.140694e+07 28239.081099 POLYGON ((-73.91805 40.68721, -73.91800 40.686... 1.0 4.5 49.0 POINT (-73.93189 40.68817)
97 1.0 Manhattan 061 MN28 Lower East Side 2.329937e+07 26518.511656 MULTIPOLYGON (((-73.98237 40.70554, -73.98246 ... 1.0 4.5 8.0 POINT (-73.98091 40.71784)
100 4.0 Queens 081 QN68 Queensbridge-Ravenswood-Long Island City 2.331294e+07 27228.382705 POLYGON ((-73.93453 40.77118, -73.93425 40.771... 1.0 4.5 27.0 POINT (-73.93875 40.75756)
109 1.0 Manhattan 061 MN06 Manhattanville 1.073480e+07 17357.246731 POLYGON ((-73.94608 40.82126, -73.94640 40.820... 1.0 4.5 90.0 POINT (-73.95382 40.81802)
52 2.0 Bronx 005 BX29 Spuyten Duyvil-Kingsbridge 2.321411e+07 27990.757219 POLYGON ((-73.89788 40.89028, -73.89827 40.889... 1.0 4.5 19.0 POINT (-73.91067 40.88241)

NYC Neighborhood Boba Index

that take into account counts of reviews and counts of boba shops in the neighborhood?

# make a copy of the boba dataframe
join_df2 = join_df.copy()
# make a copy of the neighborhoods geodataframe 
group_nt_gdf2 = group_nt_gdf[['boro_name', 'ntaname', 'geometry', 'label_geometry']].copy()
boro_name ntaname geometry label_geometry
0 Queens Murray Hill POLYGON ((-73.80379 40.77561, -73.80099 40.775... POINT (-73.80955 40.76835)
1 Queens East Elmhurst POLYGON ((-73.86110 40.76366, -73.85993 40.762... POINT (-73.86840 40.76335)
2 Queens Fresh Meadows-Utopia POLYGON ((-73.77758 40.73019, -73.77849 40.729... POINT (-73.78372 40.73489)
3 Manhattan Midtown-Midtown South POLYGON ((-73.97301 40.76428, -73.97141 40.763... POINT (-73.98350 40.75573)
4 Bronx Soundview-Castle Hill-Clason Point-Harding Park MULTIPOLYGON (((-73.88064 40.81852, -73.88098 ... POINT (-73.85619 40.81805)
join_df2['rate_rev'] = join_df2['rating'] * join_df2['review_count']
id alias name image_url is_closed url review_count categories rating coordinates ... geometry index_right boro_code boro_name county_fip ntacode ntaname shape_area shape_leng rate_rev
0 Q3fmTHT7zilDWtfzLK9lMA truedan-new-york-3 Truedan False 99 [{'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'}] 4.5 {'latitude': 40.7191742, 'longitude': -73.9962... ... POINT (-73.99622 40.71917) 94 1.0 Manhattan 061 MN24 SoHo-TriBeCa-Civic Center-Little Italy 2.503268e+07 26855.031527 445.5
1 7-bx74TooPuZKZDNW4WFcQ chun-yang-tea-new-york Chun Yang Tea False 91 [{'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'}] 4.5 {'latitude': 40.71617, 'longitude': -73.9971} ... POINT (-73.99710 40.71617) 88 1.0 Manhattan 061 MN27 Chinatown 1.450188e+07 20786.254332 409.5
2 3aypSFXLfkAL4dhHVFobKg lazy-sundaes-new-york-6 Lazy Sundaes False 32 [{'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'}... 4.5 {'latitude': 40.720597, 'longitude': -73.984539} ... POINT (-73.98454 40.72060) 88 1.0 Manhattan 061 MN27 Chinatown 1.450188e+07 20786.254332 144.0
3 bVJQEeRNi34-3XN_F1AZEg xing-fu-tang-new-york Xing Fu Tang False 91 [{'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'}] 4.5 {'latitude': 40.7288, 'longitude': -73.98775} ... POINT (-73.98775 40.72880) 139 1.0 Manhattan 061 MN22 East Village 1.089424e+07 13555.232094 409.5
4 zupVwJAFYkHDwrsQd2ktXA fiftylan-union-square-new-york-3 FIFTYLAN Union Square False 60 [{'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'}] 4.0 {'latitude': 40.735516, 'longitude': -73.989191} ... POINT (-73.98919 40.73552) 32 1.0 Manhattan 061 MN21 Gramercy 7.526916e+06 12096.891148 240.0

5 rows × 28 columns

# sum up the (rating * review_count) by neighborhood
nt_raterev2 = join_df2.groupby(by='ntaname')['rate_rev'].sum().sort_values(ascending=True)
nt_raterev2 = nt_raterev2.reset_index()
nt_raterev2.columns = ['ntaname','rate_rev']
ntaname rate_rev
0 park-cemetery-etc-Queens 2.0
1 College Point 10.0
2 Fort Greene 10.5
3 Belmont 25.0
4 Georgetown-Marine Park-Bergen Beach-Mill Basin 28.0
# merge to the neighborhood geodataframe
group_nt_gdf2 = group_nt_gdf2.merge(nt_count, how='left', left_on='ntaname', right_on='ntaname')
group_nt_gdf2 = group_nt_gdf2.merge(nt_rating, how='left', left_on='ntaname', right_on='ntaname')
group_nt_gdf2 = group_nt_gdf2.merge(nt_revcount, how='left', left_on='ntaname', right_on='ntaname')

group_nt_gdf2 = group_nt_gdf2.merge(nt_raterev2, how='left', left_on='ntaname', right_on='ntaname')

boro_name ntaname geometry label_geometry counts rating review_count rate_rev
0 Queens Murray Hill POLYGON ((-73.80379 40.77561, -73.80099 40.775... POINT (-73.80955 40.76835) 4.0 4.250000 56.0 245.0
1 Queens East Elmhurst POLYGON ((-73.86110 40.76366, -73.85993 40.762... POINT (-73.86840 40.76335) NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 Queens Fresh Meadows-Utopia POLYGON ((-73.77758 40.73019, -73.77849 40.729... POINT (-73.78372 40.73489) 5.0 4.000000 338.0 1230.5
3 Manhattan Midtown-Midtown South POLYGON ((-73.97301 40.76428, -73.97141 40.763... POINT (-73.98350 40.75573) 15.0 3.833333 2564.0 9598.5
4 Bronx Soundview-Castle Hill-Clason Point-Harding Park MULTIPOLYGON (((-73.88064 40.81852, -73.88098 ... POINT (-73.85619 40.81805) NaN NaN NaN NaN

The Creation of Boba Index…

group_nt_gdf2['boba_index'] = (

    # review counts-weighted rating...
    group_nt_gdf2['rate_rev']                        # sum of (rating * review counts) in neighborhood
    / group_nt_gdf2['review_count']                  # / (the total review counts in neighborhood)

    # consider competition...
    * np.sqrt(group_nt_gdf2['counts'])               # * (square root of total boba shop count in neighborhood)
    / (np.sqrt(group_nt_gdf2['counts'])).mean()      # / (mean of square root boba shop count in whole NYC)


boro_name ntaname geometry label_geometry counts rating review_count rate_rev boba_index
0 Queens Murray Hill POLYGON ((-73.80379 40.77561, -73.80099 40.775... POINT (-73.80955 40.76835) 4.0 4.250000 56.0 245.0 4.826066
1 Queens East Elmhurst POLYGON ((-73.86110 40.76366, -73.85993 40.762... POINT (-73.86840 40.76335) NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 Queens Fresh Meadows-Utopia POLYGON ((-73.77758 40.73019, -73.77849 40.729... POINT (-73.78372 40.73489) 5.0 4.000000 338.0 1230.5 4.489884
3 Manhattan Midtown-Midtown South POLYGON ((-73.97301 40.76428, -73.97141 40.763... POINT (-73.98350 40.75573) 15.0 3.833333 2564.0 9598.5 7.996799
4 Bronx Soundview-Castle Hill-Clason Point-Harding Park MULTIPOLYGON (((-73.88064 40.81852, -73.88098 ... POINT (-73.85619 40.81805) NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
# create a choropleth map of Baba Index in NYC neighborhoods

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(20, 12), sharey=False)

ax.title.set_text('Boba Index of NYC Neighborhoods')
missing_kwds={"color": "lightgrey","edgecolor": "lightgrey","label": "Missing values"}
    ax=ax, column='boba_index', cmap='BuPu', edgecolor="none", linewidth=1, legend=True,
    legend_kwds = {'label': "Boba Index"}, missing_kwds=missing_kwds)

top_rated = group_nt_gdf2.sort_values("boba_index", ascending=False)[0:3]
for x, y, label in zip(top_rated.label_geometry.x, top_rated.label_geometry.y, top_rated.ntaname):
    ax.annotate(label, xy=(x, y))

group_nt_gdf2.sort_values("boba_index", ascending=False).dropna()[0:10]
boro_name ntaname geometry label_geometry counts rating review_count rate_rev boba_index
155 Queens Flushing POLYGON ((-73.82331 40.77958, -73.82355 40.779... POINT (-73.82887 40.76109) 40.0 3.687500 5093.0 19257.0 13.189555
88 Manhattan Chinatown POLYGON ((-73.98382 40.72147, -73.98386 40.721... POINT (-73.99463 40.71561) 28.0 4.000000 4803.0 19208.0 11.671691
166 Queens Hunters Point-Sunnyside-West Maspeth POLYGON ((-73.92563 40.75214, -73.92442 40.752... POINT (-73.93121 40.73977) 19.0 4.289474 970.0 4076.0 10.102397
150 Brooklyn Sunset Park East POLYGON ((-73.98906 40.64412, -73.98978 40.643... POINT (-74.00465 40.64189) 23.0 3.434783 1183.0 4148.5 9.275888
144 Queens Elmhurst POLYGON ((-73.86791 40.74493, -73.86788 40.744... POINT (-73.87712 40.73949) 17.0 4.088235 1048.0 4059.5 8.808885
140 Manhattan West Village POLYGON ((-73.98990 40.73443, -73.98987 40.733... POINT (-74.00155 40.73305) 13.0 4.269231 1232.0 5169.0 8.343585
118 Brooklyn Park Slope-Gowanus POLYGON ((-73.97376 40.68305, -73.97375 40.682... POINT (-73.98390 40.67123) 13.0 4.269231 1764.0 7257.0 8.181170
3 Manhattan Midtown-Midtown South POLYGON ((-73.97301 40.76428, -73.97141 40.763... POINT (-73.98350 40.75573) 15.0 3.833333 2564.0 9598.5 7.996799
106 Brooklyn Bensonhurst West POLYGON ((-73.97964 40.61556, -73.98022 40.615... POINT (-73.99526 40.61222) 15.0 3.833333 845.0 3097.5 7.830427
139 Manhattan East Village POLYGON ((-73.98378 40.72154, -73.98382 40.721... POINT (-73.98593 40.72762) 12.0 4.041667 1652.0 6668.5 7.712478
counts rating review_count rate_rev boba_index
count 93.000000 93.000000 93.000000 93.000000 93.000000
mean 4.451613 4.018089 399.408602 1576.779570 3.959228
std 6.289253 0.472595 812.981820 3165.047052 2.340969
min 1.000000 2.000000 1.000000 2.000000 1.103101
25% 1.000000 3.833333 32.000000 124.000000 2.481977
50% 2.000000 4.000000 114.000000 477.500000 3.150041
75% 5.000000 4.333333 384.000000 1470.500000 4.826066
max 40.000000 5.000000 5093.000000 19257.000000 13.189555