Obsessed with Boba? Analyzing Bubble Tea Shops in NYC Using the Yelp Fusion API
Obsessed with Boba? Analyzing Bubble Tea Shops in NYC Using the Yelp Fusion API¶
Data Wrangling: Retrieving Bubble Tea Shops in NYC Using Yelp Fusion API
In this notebook, we use the Yelp Fusion API to read in data about Bubble Tea Shops in NYC. Additionally, we preview the data, examine the number of rows and columns, and clip only shops that are within NYC’s five boroughs. This output data will be the data we use throughout the project.
Importing libraries¶
# importing libraries
import os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import requests
# from decouple import AutoConfig
C:\Users\datal\anaconda3\envs\boba-nyc\lib\site-packages\pyproj\__init__.py:89: UserWarning: pyproj unable to set database path.
Retrieving data from Yelp API¶
'''API only returns 1,000 results and 50 per request
we use the offset parameter to page through to the next 50
source: https://www.yelp.com/developers/faq'''
# saving yelp api key as an environment variable
API_KEY = os.environ.get('yelp_api')
if API_KEY is None:
config = AutoConfig(search_path = '.')
API_KEY = config('YELP_API')
# empty list to place our data for each page
lst = []
# our offset parameter - each page 50 rows
offset = 0
print('initial offset number: {}'.format(offset))
# loop through the api 20 times (limit is 1000 rows with each page includes 50 rows)
for i in range(20):
headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(API_KEY)}
search_api_url = 'https://api.yelp.com/v3/businesses/search'
params = {'term': 'bubble tea',
'categories': 'bubbletea, boba',
'location': 'New York City',
'offset': offset,
'limit': 50}
response = requests.get(search_api_url,
# return a dictionary
data_dict = response.json()
# convert the business dictionary to a pandas dataframe and append to list
data = pd.DataFrame(data_dict['businesses'])
# add 50 to the offset to access a new page
offset += 50
print('current offset number: {}'.format(offset))
except Exception as ex:
print('exception: {}\nexit loop.'.format(ex))
# concatenate all pages to one dataframe and reset index
df = pd.concat(lst)
df = df.reset_index(drop=True)
# review shape of dataframe
rows, columns = df.shape
print('query includes {:,} rows and {} columns.'.format(rows, columns))
print('row id is unique: {}.'.format(df['id'].is_unique))
# review if dataframe id is unique, if not drop duplicates
if df['id'].is_unique == False:
duplicates = df.loc[df.duplicated(subset=['id'])]
vals = list(duplicates.head()['name'].values)
print('\nduplicates found: {}.'.format(vals))
df = df.drop_duplicates(subset=['id']).reset_index(drop=True)
print('dropping duplicates...')
rows, columns = df.shape
print('\nrow id is unique: {}.'.format(df['id'].is_unique))
print('query includes {:,} rows and {} columns.'.format(rows, columns))
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
~\AppData\Local\Temp\ipykernel_50804\901021496.py in <module>
6 API_KEY = os.environ.get('yelp_api')
7 if API_KEY is None:
----> 8 config = AutoConfig(search_path = '.')
9 API_KEY = config('YELP_API')
NameError: name 'AutoConfig' is not defined
Inspect data¶
# preview first five rows
id | alias | name | image_url | is_closed | url | review_count | categories | rating | coordinates | transactions | location | phone | display_phone | distance | price | |
0 | bVJQEeRNi34-3XN_F1AZEg | xing-fu-tang-new-york | Xing Fu Tang | https://s3-media2.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/cyFHFE... | False | https://www.yelp.com/biz/xing-fu-tang-new-york... | 91 | [{'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'}] | 4.5 | {'latitude': 40.7288, 'longitude': -73.98775} | [pickup, delivery] | {'address1': '133 2nd Ave', 'address2': '', 'a... | 2656.450427 | NaN | ||
1 | 3aypSFXLfkAL4dhHVFobKg | lazy-sundaes-new-york-6 | Lazy Sundaes | https://s3-media3.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/kEfCYC... | False | https://www.yelp.com/biz/lazy-sundaes-new-york... | 32 | [{'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'}... | 4.5 | {'latitude': 40.720597, 'longitude': -73.984539} | [pickup, delivery] | {'address1': '23 Clinton St', 'address2': None... | 1877.016204 | $$ | ||
2 | Q3fmTHT7zilDWtfzLK9lMA | truedan-new-york-3 | Truedan | https://s3-media2.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/BmUZXO... | False | https://www.yelp.com/biz/truedan-new-york-3?ad... | 99 | [{'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'}] | 4.5 | {'latitude': 40.7191742, 'longitude': -73.9962... | [pickup, delivery] | {'address1': '208 Grand St', 'address2': None,... | +16465592886 | (646) 559-2886 | 1535.241614 | $$ |
3 | nndSS7va9wFlBYzA3zv1nw | ojbk-tea-shop-brooklyn-2 | OJBK Tea Shop | https://s3-media1.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/TOjiM7... | False | https://www.yelp.com/biz/ojbk-tea-shop-brookly... | 26 | [{'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'}] | 4.5 | {'latitude': 40.69395, 'longitude': -73.96369} | [pickup, delivery] | {'address1': '525 Myrtle Ave', 'address2': '',... | +17185763047 | (718) 576-3047 | 2879.927001 | $ |
4 | FKjAriOhhGZJSlkqrk8zWg | i-milky-沐白-new-york-3 | I’Milky 沐白 | https://s3-media4.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/D04UPg... | False | https://www.yelp.com/biz/i-milky-%E6%B2%90%E7%... | 260 | [{'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'}... | 4.5 | {'latitude': 40.7513413, 'longitude': -73.9864... | [pickup, delivery] | {'address1': '992 6th Ave', 'address2': '', 'a... | +12122396712 | (212) 239-6712 | 5160.340089 | $ |
# preview last five rows
id | alias | name | image_url | is_closed | url | review_count | categories | rating | coordinates | transactions | location | phone | display_phone | distance | price | |
548 | QBebLBqhiuDlWasPgp6s4Q | tbaar-flushing-5 | Tbaar | https://s3-media1.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/bgao-b... | False | https://www.yelp.com/biz/tbaar-flushing-5?adju... | 2 | [{'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'}] | 3.5 | {'latitude': 40.759357, 'longitude': -73.830396} | [pickup, delivery] | {'address1': '135-52 Roosevelt Ave', 'address2... | 15054.917573 | NaN | ||
549 | 7apqk24GsFC9dptoD5dDZg | uncleman-cafe-new-york | Uncleman Cafe | False | https://www.yelp.com/biz/uncleman-cafe-new-yor... | 1 | [{'alias': 'desserts', 'title': 'Desserts'}, {... | 1.0 | {'latitude': 40.71781, 'longitude': -73.99795} | [] | {'address1': '122 Mulberry St', 'address2': No... | +12129666206 | (212) 966-6206 | 1414.238245 | NaN | |
550 | Vz6hbICqQfyMWq9wzAKakw | tbaar-flushing-4 | TBaar | https://s3-media1.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/phUYWa... | False | https://www.yelp.com/biz/tbaar-flushing-4?adju... | 6 | [{'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'}... | 4.0 | {'latitude': 40.7613116, 'longitude': -73.8308... | [] | {'address1': '37-11 Main St', 'address2': '', ... | 15147.410738 | NaN | ||
551 | YBgAPbviWYtVP2gAUhc7_A | t-baar-flushing | T Baar | https://s3-media4.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/8pk-_Q... | False | https://www.yelp.com/biz/t-baar-flushing?adjus... | 8 | [{'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'}] | 3.5 | {'latitude': 40.7587509, 'longitude': -73.830162} | [] | {'address1': '135-36 40th Rd', 'address2': '',... | 15045.970192 | $ | ||
552 | f5UVQXvDpOrrIZdCjsw47w | maxins-cafe-flushing | Maxin's Cafe | https://s3-media1.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/S3vWvD... | False | https://www.yelp.com/biz/maxins-cafe-flushing?... | 15 | [{'alias': 'bakeries', 'title': 'Bakeries'}, {... | 3.5 | {'latitude': 40.7585, 'longitude': -73.83064} | [] | {'address1': '135-24 40th Rd', 'address2': '',... | +17188869200 | (718) 886-9200 | 14997.842205 | $ |
# preview column datatypes and non-null counts
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 553 entries, 0 to 552
Data columns (total 16 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 id 553 non-null object
1 alias 553 non-null object
2 name 553 non-null object
3 image_url 553 non-null object
4 is_closed 553 non-null bool
5 url 553 non-null object
6 review_count 553 non-null int64
7 categories 553 non-null object
8 rating 553 non-null float64
9 coordinates 553 non-null object
10 transactions 553 non-null object
11 location 553 non-null object
12 phone 553 non-null object
13 display_phone 553 non-null object
14 distance 553 non-null float64
15 price 334 non-null object
dtypes: bool(1), float64(2), int64(1), object(12)
memory usage: 65.5+ KB
# return count of unique values of bubble tea shops
Gong Cha 37
Kung Fu Tea 34
ViVi Bubble Tea 20
Möge Tee 10
CoCo Fresh Tea & Juice 8
Brew Memories 1
Dragon Bing 1
Hug a Mug Coffee & Tea 1
Yummy Boba Desserts 1
Zai's Dessertery 1
Name: name, Length: 368, dtype: int64
# return top 20 count of unique values of bubble tea shops
Gong Cha 37
Kung Fu Tea 34
ViVi Bubble Tea 20
Möge Tee 10
CoCo Fresh Tea & Juice 8
Vivi Bubble Tea 6
Coco Fresh Tea & Juice 6
Tiger Sugar 5
Real Fruit Bubble Tea 5
Meet Fresh 4
Banhmigos 4
Chun Yang Tea 4
Hawa Smoothies & Bubble Tea 4
TBaar 4
Hanco's 3
Yi Fang Taiwan Fruit Tea 3
Lazy Sundaes 3
Mi Tea 3
Tbaar 3
Waffle & Bubble 3
Name: name, dtype: int64
Inspect categories¶
0 [{'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'}]
1 [{'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'}...
2 [{'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'}]
3 [{'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'}]
4 [{'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'}...
Name: categories, dtype: object
0 | 1 | 2 | |
0 | {'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'} | NaN | NaN |
1 | {'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'} | {'alias': 'desserts', 'title': 'Desserts'} | {'alias': 'shavedice', 'title': 'Shaved Ice'} |
2 | {'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'} | NaN | NaN |
3 | {'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'} | NaN | NaN |
4 | {'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'} | {'alias': 'taiwanese', 'title': 'Taiwanese'} | {'alias': 'juicebars', 'title': 'Juice Bars & ... |
... | ... | ... | ... |
548 | {'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'} | NaN | NaN |
549 | {'alias': 'desserts', 'title': 'Desserts'} | {'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'} | {'alias': 'cafes', 'title': 'Cafes'} |
550 | {'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'} | {'alias': 'juicebars', 'title': 'Juice Bars & ... | {'alias': 'coffee', 'title': 'Coffee & Tea'} |
551 | {'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'} | NaN | NaN |
552 | {'alias': 'bakeries', 'title': 'Bakeries'} | {'alias': 'chinese', 'title': 'Chinese'} | {'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'} |
553 rows × 3 columns
categories_df = df['categories'].apply(pd.Series)
categories_df.columns = ['cat_1', 'cat_2', 'cat_3']
cat_1 | cat_2 | cat_3 | |
0 | {'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'} | NaN | NaN |
1 | {'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'} | {'alias': 'desserts', 'title': 'Desserts'} | {'alias': 'shavedice', 'title': 'Shaved Ice'} |
2 | {'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'} | NaN | NaN |
3 | {'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'} | NaN | NaN |
4 | {'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'} | {'alias': 'taiwanese', 'title': 'Taiwanese'} | {'alias': 'juicebars', 'title': 'Juice Bars & ... |
... | ... | ... | ... |
548 | {'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'} | NaN | NaN |
549 | {'alias': 'desserts', 'title': 'Desserts'} | {'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'} | {'alias': 'cafes', 'title': 'Cafes'} |
550 | {'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'} | {'alias': 'juicebars', 'title': 'Juice Bars & ... | {'alias': 'coffee', 'title': 'Coffee & Tea'} |
551 | {'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'} | NaN | NaN |
552 | {'alias': 'bakeries', 'title': 'Bakeries'} | {'alias': 'chinese', 'title': 'Chinese'} | {'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'} |
553 rows × 3 columns
Check for duplicates¶
# identify number of unique bubble tea shop entries
names_counts = df['name'].value_counts().reset_index()
names_counts = names_counts.rename(columns={'index':'name', 'name':'counts'})
print('number of unique bubble tea shops: {}'.format(len(names_counts)))
number of unique bubble tea shops: 368
name | counts | |
0 | Gong Cha | 37 |
1 | Kung Fu Tea | 34 |
2 | ViVi Bubble Tea | 20 |
3 | Möge Tee | 10 |
4 | CoCo Fresh Tea & Juice | 8 |
... | ... | ... |
363 | Brew Memories | 1 |
364 | Dragon Bing | 1 |
365 | Hug a Mug Coffee & Tea | 1 |
366 | Yummy Boba Desserts | 1 |
367 | Zai's Dessertery | 1 |
368 rows × 2 columns
# check for duplicates - white spaces, mispellings, etc
lst = []
for row in range(len(names_counts)):
value = names_counts['name'][row].replace(' ', '').lower()
names_counts = pd.concat([names_counts, pd.Series(lst).rename('name_lower')], axis=1)
name | counts | name_lower | |
0 | Gong Cha | 37 | gongcha |
1 | Kung Fu Tea | 34 | kungfutea |
2 | ViVi Bubble Tea | 20 | vivibubbletea |
3 | Möge Tee | 10 | mögetee |
4 | CoCo Fresh Tea & Juice | 8 | cocofreshtea&juice |
# there are duplicate entries
yifangtaiwanfruittea 3
jooyteashoppe 3
tbaar 3
vivibubbletea 3
cocofreshtea&juice 2
pokébowlstation 2
yomie'sricexyogurt 2
mr.wish 2
tigersugar 2
corndogunion 1
Name: name_lower, dtype: int64
# return list of duplicate entries that need to be replaced
duplicates_ser = names_counts['name_lower'].value_counts() > 1
duplicates = duplicates_ser.loc[duplicates_ser].index
print('these places have dulicate entries:\n')
for dup in duplicates.to_list():
these places have dulicate entries:
names_counts = (names_counts.loc[names_counts['name_lower'].isin(duplicates.to_list())]
name | counts | name_lower | |
4 | CoCo Fresh Tea & Juice | 8 | cocofreshtea&juice |
6 | Coco Fresh Tea & Juice | 6 | cocofreshtea&juice |
354 | JOOY Tea Shoppe | 1 | jooyteashoppe |
227 | Jooy Tea Shoppe | 1 | jooyteashoppe |
99 | JOOY TEA SHOPPE | 1 | jooyteashoppe |
21 | Mr. Wish | 3 | mr.wish |
64 | Mr.Wish | 1 | mr.wish |
320 | Pokébowl Station | 1 | pokébowlstation |
49 | PokéBowl Station | 2 | pokébowlstation |
13 | TBaar | 4 | tbaar |
18 | Tbaar | 3 | tbaar |
130 | T Baar | 1 | tbaar |
7 | Tiger Sugar | 5 | tigersugar |
81 | TIGER SUGAR | 1 | tigersugar |
2 | ViVi Bubble Tea | 20 | vivibubbletea |
5 | Vivi Bubble Tea | 6 | vivibubbletea |
97 | ViVi Bubble tea | 1 | vivibubbletea |
24 | Yifang Taiwan Fruit Tea | 3 | yifangtaiwanfruittea |
15 | Yi Fang Taiwan Fruit Tea | 3 | yifangtaiwanfruittea |
29 | YiFang Taiwan Fruit Tea | 2 | yifangtaiwanfruittea |
340 | Yomie's Rice x Yogurt | 1 | yomie'sricexyogurt |
328 | Yomie's Rice X Yogurt | 1 | yomie'sricexyogurt |
# a dictionary of formatted names (lower & remove white spice) and new names to be returned
new_names = {'yifangtaiwanfruittea':'Yi Fang Taiwan Fruit Tea',
'vivibubbletea':'Vivi Bubble Tea',
'jooyteashoppe':'JOOY Tea Shop',
'cocofreshtea&juice':'CoCo Fresh Tea & Juice',
"yomie'sricexyogurt":"Yomie's Rice X Yogurt",
'pokébowlstation':'PokéBowl Station'}
names_counts['name_lower'] = names_counts['name_lower'].replace(new_names)
name | counts | name_lower | |
4 | CoCo Fresh Tea & Juice | 8 | CoCo Fresh Tea & Juice |
6 | Coco Fresh Tea & Juice | 6 | CoCo Fresh Tea & Juice |
354 | JOOY Tea Shoppe | 1 | JOOY Tea Shop |
227 | Jooy Tea Shoppe | 1 | JOOY Tea Shop |
99 | JOOY TEA SHOPPE | 1 | JOOY Tea Shop |
21 | Mr. Wish | 3 | mr.wish |
64 | Mr.Wish | 1 | mr.wish |
320 | Pokébowl Station | 1 | PokéBowl Station |
49 | PokéBowl Station | 2 | PokéBowl Station |
13 | TBaar | 4 | TBaar |
18 | Tbaar | 3 | TBaar |
130 | T Baar | 1 | TBaar |
7 | Tiger Sugar | 5 | tigersugar |
81 | TIGER SUGAR | 1 | tigersugar |
2 | ViVi Bubble Tea | 20 | Vivi Bubble Tea |
5 | Vivi Bubble Tea | 6 | Vivi Bubble Tea |
97 | ViVi Bubble tea | 1 | Vivi Bubble Tea |
24 | Yifang Taiwan Fruit Tea | 3 | Yi Fang Taiwan Fruit Tea |
15 | Yi Fang Taiwan Fruit Tea | 3 | Yi Fang Taiwan Fruit Tea |
29 | YiFang Taiwan Fruit Tea | 2 | Yi Fang Taiwan Fruit Tea |
340 | Yomie's Rice x Yogurt | 1 | Yomie's Rice X Yogurt |
328 | Yomie's Rice X Yogurt | 1 | Yomie's Rice X Yogurt |
# a dictionary of old and new names to be returned
replace_duplicates = dict(zip(names_counts['name'], names_counts['name_lower']))
{'CoCo Fresh Tea & Juice': 'CoCo Fresh Tea & Juice',
'Coco Fresh Tea & Juice': 'CoCo Fresh Tea & Juice',
'JOOY Tea Shoppe': 'JOOY Tea Shop',
'Jooy Tea Shoppe': 'JOOY Tea Shop',
'Mr. Wish': 'mr.wish',
'Mr.Wish': 'mr.wish',
'Pokébowl Station': 'PokéBowl Station',
'PokéBowl Station': 'PokéBowl Station',
'TBaar': 'TBaar',
'Tbaar': 'TBaar',
'T Baar': 'TBaar',
'Tiger Sugar': 'tigersugar',
'TIGER SUGAR': 'tigersugar',
'ViVi Bubble Tea': 'Vivi Bubble Tea',
'Vivi Bubble Tea': 'Vivi Bubble Tea',
'ViVi Bubble tea': 'Vivi Bubble Tea',
'Yifang Taiwan Fruit Tea': 'Yi Fang Taiwan Fruit Tea',
'Yi Fang Taiwan Fruit Tea': 'Yi Fang Taiwan Fruit Tea',
'YiFang Taiwan Fruit Tea': 'Yi Fang Taiwan Fruit Tea',
"Yomie's Rice x Yogurt": "Yomie's Rice X Yogurt",
"Yomie's Rice X Yogurt": "Yomie's Rice X Yogurt"}
# replace old and new names to original dataframe
df['name'] = df['name'].replace(replace_duplicates)
id | alias | name | image_url | is_closed | url | review_count | categories | rating | coordinates | transactions | location | phone | display_phone | distance | price | |
0 | bVJQEeRNi34-3XN_F1AZEg | xing-fu-tang-new-york | Xing Fu Tang | https://s3-media2.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/cyFHFE... | False | https://www.yelp.com/biz/xing-fu-tang-new-york... | 91 | [{'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'}] | 4.5 | {'latitude': 40.7288, 'longitude': -73.98775} | [pickup, delivery] | {'address1': '133 2nd Ave', 'address2': '', 'a... | 2656.450427 | NaN | ||
1 | 3aypSFXLfkAL4dhHVFobKg | lazy-sundaes-new-york-6 | Lazy Sundaes | https://s3-media3.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/kEfCYC... | False | https://www.yelp.com/biz/lazy-sundaes-new-york... | 32 | [{'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'}... | 4.5 | {'latitude': 40.720597, 'longitude': -73.984539} | [pickup, delivery] | {'address1': '23 Clinton St', 'address2': None... | 1877.016204 | $$ | ||
2 | Q3fmTHT7zilDWtfzLK9lMA | truedan-new-york-3 | Truedan | https://s3-media2.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/BmUZXO... | False | https://www.yelp.com/biz/truedan-new-york-3?ad... | 99 | [{'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'}] | 4.5 | {'latitude': 40.7191742, 'longitude': -73.9962... | [pickup, delivery] | {'address1': '208 Grand St', 'address2': None,... | +16465592886 | (646) 559-2886 | 1535.241614 | $$ |
3 | nndSS7va9wFlBYzA3zv1nw | ojbk-tea-shop-brooklyn-2 | OJBK Tea Shop | https://s3-media1.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/TOjiM7... | False | https://www.yelp.com/biz/ojbk-tea-shop-brookly... | 26 | [{'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'}] | 4.5 | {'latitude': 40.69395, 'longitude': -73.96369} | [pickup, delivery] | {'address1': '525 Myrtle Ave', 'address2': '',... | +17185763047 | (718) 576-3047 | 2879.927001 | $ |
4 | FKjAriOhhGZJSlkqrk8zWg | i-milky-沐白-new-york-3 | I’Milky 沐白 | https://s3-media4.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/D04UPg... | False | https://www.yelp.com/biz/i-milky-%E6%B2%90%E7%... | 260 | [{'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'}... | 4.5 | {'latitude': 40.7513413, 'longitude': -73.9864... | [pickup, delivery] | {'address1': '992 6th Ave', 'address2': '', 'a... | +12122396712 | (212) 239-6712 | 5160.340089 | $ |
Gong Cha 37
Kung Fu Tea 34
Vivi Bubble Tea 27
CoCo Fresh Tea & Juice 14
Möge Tee 10
TBaar 8
Yi Fang Taiwan Fruit Tea 8
tigersugar 6
Real Fruit Bubble Tea 5
Banhmigos 4
Meet Fresh 4
mr.wish 4
Chun Yang Tea 4
Hawa Smoothies & Bubble Tea 4
Waffle & Bubble 3
Lazy Sundaes 3
Mi Tea 3
Jupioca 3
Hanco's 3
JOOY Tea Shop 3
Name: name, dtype: int64
Inspecting categories¶
0 [{'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'}]
1 [{'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'}...
2 [{'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'}]
3 [{'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'}]
4 [{'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'}...
548 [{'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'}]
549 [{'alias': 'desserts', 'title': 'Desserts'}, {...
550 [{'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'}...
551 [{'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'}]
552 [{'alias': 'bakeries', 'title': 'Bakeries'}, {...
Name: categories, Length: 553, dtype: object
0 | 1 | 2 | |
0 | {'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'} | NaN | NaN |
1 | {'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'} | {'alias': 'desserts', 'title': 'Desserts'} | {'alias': 'shavedice', 'title': 'Shaved Ice'} |
2 | {'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'} | NaN | NaN |
3 | {'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'} | NaN | NaN |
4 | {'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'} | {'alias': 'taiwanese', 'title': 'Taiwanese'} | {'alias': 'juicebars', 'title': 'Juice Bars & ... |
... | ... | ... | ... |
548 | {'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'} | NaN | NaN |
549 | {'alias': 'desserts', 'title': 'Desserts'} | {'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'} | {'alias': 'cafes', 'title': 'Cafes'} |
550 | {'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'} | {'alias': 'juicebars', 'title': 'Juice Bars & ... | {'alias': 'coffee', 'title': 'Coffee & Tea'} |
551 | {'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'} | NaN | NaN |
552 | {'alias': 'bakeries', 'title': 'Bakeries'} | {'alias': 'chinese', 'title': 'Chinese'} | {'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'} |
553 rows × 3 columns
Clip shops within NYC¶
# explode coordinates to create an individual column
gdf = pd.concat([df, df['coordinates'].apply(pd.Series)], axis=1)
# retrieve lat, lon values and return a geodataframe
gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(gdf, crs=4326,
geometry=gpd.points_from_xy(gdf.longitude, gdf.latitude))
id | alias | name | image_url | is_closed | url | review_count | categories | rating | coordinates | transactions | location | phone | display_phone | distance | price | latitude | longitude | geometry | |
0 | bVJQEeRNi34-3XN_F1AZEg | xing-fu-tang-new-york | Xing Fu Tang | https://s3-media2.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/cyFHFE... | False | https://www.yelp.com/biz/xing-fu-tang-new-york... | 91 | [{'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'}] | 4.5 | {'latitude': 40.7288, 'longitude': -73.98775} | [pickup, delivery] | {'address1': '133 2nd Ave', 'address2': '', 'a... | 2656.450427 | NaN | 40.728800 | -73.987750 | POINT (-73.98775 40.72880) | ||
1 | 3aypSFXLfkAL4dhHVFobKg | lazy-sundaes-new-york-6 | Lazy Sundaes | https://s3-media3.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/kEfCYC... | False | https://www.yelp.com/biz/lazy-sundaes-new-york... | 32 | [{'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'}... | 4.5 | {'latitude': 40.720597, 'longitude': -73.984539} | [pickup, delivery] | {'address1': '23 Clinton St', 'address2': None... | 1877.016204 | $$ | 40.720597 | -73.984539 | POINT (-73.98454 40.72060) | ||
2 | Q3fmTHT7zilDWtfzLK9lMA | truedan-new-york-3 | Truedan | https://s3-media2.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/BmUZXO... | False | https://www.yelp.com/biz/truedan-new-york-3?ad... | 99 | [{'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'}] | 4.5 | {'latitude': 40.7191742, 'longitude': -73.9962... | [pickup, delivery] | {'address1': '208 Grand St', 'address2': None,... | +16465592886 | (646) 559-2886 | 1535.241614 | $$ | 40.719174 | -73.996220 | POINT (-73.99622 40.71917) |
3 | nndSS7va9wFlBYzA3zv1nw | ojbk-tea-shop-brooklyn-2 | OJBK Tea Shop | https://s3-media1.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/TOjiM7... | False | https://www.yelp.com/biz/ojbk-tea-shop-brookly... | 26 | [{'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'}] | 4.5 | {'latitude': 40.69395, 'longitude': -73.96369} | [pickup, delivery] | {'address1': '525 Myrtle Ave', 'address2': '',... | +17185763047 | (718) 576-3047 | 2879.927001 | $ | 40.693950 | -73.963690 | POINT (-73.96369 40.69395) |
4 | FKjAriOhhGZJSlkqrk8zWg | i-milky-沐白-new-york-3 | I’Milky 沐白 | https://s3-media4.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/D04UPg... | False | https://www.yelp.com/biz/i-milky-%E6%B2%90%E7%... | 260 | [{'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'}... | 4.5 | {'latitude': 40.7513413, 'longitude': -73.9864... | [pickup, delivery] | {'address1': '992 6th Ave', 'address2': '', 'a... | +12122396712 | (212) 239-6712 | 5160.340089 | $ | 40.751341 | -73.986447 | POINT (-73.98645 40.75134) |
# read in boroughs shapefile to return only bubble tea shops within nyc
url = 'https://data.cityofnewyork.us/api/geospatial/tqmj-j8zm?method=export&format=Shapefile'
boro_gdf = gpd.read_file(url)
boro_code | boro_name | shape_area | shape_leng | geometry | |
0 | 1.0 | Manhattan | 6.366208e+08 | 359993.127161 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-74.01093 40.68449, -74.01193 ... |
1 | 2.0 | Bronx | 1.187194e+09 | 463868.935588 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-73.89681 40.79581, -73.89694 ... |
2 | 3.0 | Brooklyn | 1.934174e+09 | 728195.194837 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-73.86327 40.58388, -73.86381 ... |
3 | 5.0 | Staten Island | 1.623631e+09 | 325924.002252 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-74.05051 40.56642, -74.05047 ... |
4 | 4.0 | Queens | 3.040206e+09 | 900269.281914 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-73.82645 40.59053, -73.82642 ... |
# plot bubble tea shops and boroughs
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8))
boro_gdf.plot(ax=ax, facecolor='None', edgecolor='black', zorder=0)
plt.title('bubble tea shops in NYC area')

# clip bubble tea shops that are within the five boroughs
gdf = gpd.clip(gdf, boro_gdf)
gdf = gdf.reset_index(drop=True)
rows, columns = gdf.shape
print('number of rows: {}\n\
number of columns: {}'.format(rows, columns))
number of rows: 414
number of columns: 19
# preview dataframe
id | alias | name | image_url | is_closed | url | review_count | categories | rating | coordinates | transactions | location | phone | display_phone | distance | price | latitude | longitude | geometry | |
0 | bVJQEeRNi34-3XN_F1AZEg | xing-fu-tang-new-york | Xing Fu Tang | https://s3-media2.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/cyFHFE... | False | https://www.yelp.com/biz/xing-fu-tang-new-york... | 91 | [{'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'}] | 4.5 | {'latitude': 40.7288, 'longitude': -73.98775} | [pickup, delivery] | {'address1': '133 2nd Ave', 'address2': '', 'a... | 2656.450427 | NaN | 40.728800 | -73.987750 | POINT (-73.98775 40.72880) | ||
1 | 3aypSFXLfkAL4dhHVFobKg | lazy-sundaes-new-york-6 | Lazy Sundaes | https://s3-media3.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/kEfCYC... | False | https://www.yelp.com/biz/lazy-sundaes-new-york... | 32 | [{'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'}... | 4.5 | {'latitude': 40.720597, 'longitude': -73.984539} | [pickup, delivery] | {'address1': '23 Clinton St', 'address2': None... | 1877.016204 | $$ | 40.720597 | -73.984539 | POINT (-73.98454 40.72060) | ||
2 | Q3fmTHT7zilDWtfzLK9lMA | truedan-new-york-3 | Truedan | https://s3-media2.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/BmUZXO... | False | https://www.yelp.com/biz/truedan-new-york-3?ad... | 99 | [{'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'}] | 4.5 | {'latitude': 40.7191742, 'longitude': -73.9962... | [pickup, delivery] | {'address1': '208 Grand St', 'address2': None,... | +16465592886 | (646) 559-2886 | 1535.241614 | $$ | 40.719174 | -73.996220 | POINT (-73.99622 40.71917) |
3 | nndSS7va9wFlBYzA3zv1nw | ojbk-tea-shop-brooklyn-2 | OJBK Tea Shop | https://s3-media1.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/TOjiM7... | False | https://www.yelp.com/biz/ojbk-tea-shop-brookly... | 26 | [{'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'}] | 4.5 | {'latitude': 40.69395, 'longitude': -73.96369} | [pickup, delivery] | {'address1': '525 Myrtle Ave', 'address2': '',... | +17185763047 | (718) 576-3047 | 2879.927001 | $ | 40.693950 | -73.963690 | POINT (-73.96369 40.69395) |
4 | FKjAriOhhGZJSlkqrk8zWg | i-milky-沐白-new-york-3 | I’Milky 沐白 | https://s3-media4.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/D04UPg... | False | https://www.yelp.com/biz/i-milky-%E6%B2%90%E7%... | 260 | [{'alias': 'bubbletea', 'title': 'Bubble Tea'}... | 4.5 | {'latitude': 40.7513413, 'longitude': -73.9864... | [pickup, delivery] | {'address1': '992 6th Ave', 'address2': '', 'a... | +12122396712 | (212) 239-6712 | 5160.340089 | $ | 40.751341 | -73.986447 | POINT (-73.98645 40.75134) |
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8))
boro_gdf.plot(ax=ax, facecolor='None', edgecolor='black', zorder=0)
plt.title('bubble tea shops in NYC')

# # save file
# gdf.to_csv('boba-nyc.csv', index=False)
# # sanity check
# pd.read_csv('boba-nyc.csv').head()